January marked an important milestone for Promamec and its service provider Medavi in our mission to make life easier for people with diabetes in Morocco.
Professors of Endocironology, Asma Chadli and Siham El Azziz of the Casablanca University Hospital have placed the first Medtrum insulin patch pump in Morocco with the support of the Medavi team, the first Moroccan service provider dedicated to people with diabetes and health professionals.
This event was preceded by a day of training on CGMs and Medtrum pumps in Pr Chadli's department, which was joined by teams from CHU Rabat, including Pr Iraqi and Pr Rifai, from the International University Hospital Cheikh Khalifa, including Pr Marouan and Pr Al Ammari, as well as endocrinologists from Casablanca including Pr EL Ghomari, president of ADEC.
The Patch Medtrum insulin pump, distributed by Promamec, is a small electronic box placed directly on the patient's skin which, thanks to a tiny cannula and a reservoir, makes it possible to deliver the fast-acting insulin the patient needs throughout the day. requires. This system, in addition to avoiding numerous daily injections, allows a better balance of blood sugar.
We would like to thank all of our partners who made this first pose possible and we look forward to offering as many people as possible this new technological advance now registered and available in Morocco, which considerably increases Well-Being and simplifies treatment management. people with type 1 diabetes, adults and children ≥ 2 years old.